


Basic usage

Default Large
<color-swatch>oklch(70% 0.25 138)</color-swatch>
<color-swatch size="large">oklch(70% 0.25 138)</color-swatch>
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" />
<color-swatch size="large">
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" />

With slot content

Before and after:

	<label slot="before" for=c1>Accent color:</label>
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" id=c1 />
<color-swatch size="large">
	<label slot="before" id=c2>Accent color:</label>
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" id=c2 />
	<small slot="after">Tip: Pick a bright medium color.</small>

Adding text within the default swatch:

<color-swatch size="large">
	<div slot="swatch-content">Some text</div>
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" id=c1 />

Note that the text color will automatically switch from black to white to remain readable (using this technique).

Replacing the whole swatch with a custom element:

<color-swatch size="large">
	<div slot="swatch">Some text</div>
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" id=c1 />

Bound to CSS property

You can automatically bind the color swatch to a CSS property by setting the property attribute. Then you don’t need to provide an initial value, it will be read from the CSS property, and updating the color will update the CSS property.

<color-swatch size="large" property="--color-red">
	<input />

You can use scope to select the closest ancestor (via a CSS selector) on which the CSS property will be read from and written to. If you don’t, the <html> element will be used.


<color-swatch size="large" oncolorchange="this.nextElementSibling.textContent = this.color">
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" />

Update via JS


<color-swatch id="dynamic_static">oklch(70% 0.25 138)</color-swatch>
<button onclick='dynamic_static.color = "oklch(60% 0.15 0)"'>Change color</button>


<color-swatch id="dynamic_editable">
	<input value="oklch(70% 0.25 138)" />
<button onclick='dynamic_editable.color = "oklch(60% 0.15 0)"'>Change color</button>


Attributes & Properties

Attribute Property Property type Default value Description
color color Color | string - The current color value.
value value string - The current value of the swatch.
size - large - The size of the swatch. Currently, it is used only to make a large swatch.
property property string - CSS property to bind to.
scope scope string :root CSS selector to use as the scope for the specified CSS property.
gamuts gamuts string srgb, p3, rec2020: P3+, prophoto: PP Comma-separated list of gamuts to be used by the gamut indicator.

CSS variables

Variable Type Description
--transparcency <image> Gradient used as a background for transparent parts of the swatch.
--transparency-cell-size <length> The size of the cells of the transparency gradient.
--transparcency-background <color> The background color of the transparency gradient.
--transparency-darkness <percentage> The opacity of the black color used for dark parts of the transparency gradient.


These properties are read-only.

Property Type Description
gamut string The id of the current gamut (e.g. srgb).


Name Description
valuechange Fired when the value changes for any reason, and once during initialization.
colorchange Fired when the color changes for any reason, and once during initialization.
gamutchange Fired when the gamut changes for any reason, and once during initialization.


To install all color elements, check out the instructions on the homepage. The rest of this section is about using only <color-swatch>.

The quick and dirty way is straight from the CDN (kindly provided by Netlify):

<script src="https://elements.colorjs.io/src/color-swatch/color-swatch.js" type="module"></script>

or in JS:

import "https://elements.colorjs.io/src/color-swatch/color-swatch.js";

If you are using npm to manage your dependencies, you can import it via:

import "color-elements/color-swatch";


import { ColorSwatch } from "color-elements";